Denver Area Access Users Group

General Meeting Presentation

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Danny Lesandrini

Build Your Own Excel Import Wizard

Danny Lesandrini

Working with Excel spreadsheets is a natural evolution for any Microsoft Access solution. The Import Wizard that comes with Access works with simple files but if the spreadsheet is irregular in any way, you're going to need to use Automation. This demo will show you how to interrogate a spreadsheet to make importing the data simple. Also included is an explanation of how to build a table for your import using DDL SQL statements. When we're done, you'll have an Import Wizard on Steroids.

Danny Lesandrini, a former member of DAAUG and amateur astronomer is currently semi-retired and living the dream in Tucson Arizona. Prior to that, he designed Microsoft Access and SQL Server solutions in Denver for over 14 years. A dozen years of published articles is available at his website,