In an era of increasing diversity of devices, there are some interesting options for providing full Access client access to all users, regardless of device or operating system. Two of these, both available today on Microsoft Azure, are a Virtual Machine hosting Access 2013 with Remote Desktop Services used to access the shared resource; and, RemoteApp, a new offering on Azure that offers some interesting differences compared to a straight VM. We’ll take a look at both of these, setting up a fully-running instance of each, and evaluate pros and cons of each approach.
George first encountered Microsoft Access when using the thirty-plus floppy disk versions of Office to teach Statistics and MIS in the early 1990’s. It’s been true love ever since. George has worked as a software developer for the past twenty years, including twelve at Microsoft (in just about every group other than Office). He is currently an independent consultant living at 7000 feet in Larkspur, Colorado, working primarily on .NET applications. George still has a commercial site or two that is driven by an Access database sitting in the server file system.