Join Armen on a tour of Rotisserie, an Access application he designed and built for his Rotary Club. It invites random unique groups of people to get together for coffee chats. Features include importing from a master database of Rotarians, selecting a “captain” for each group, and sending out emails. It even includes a real life example of a Cartesian join!
Armen Stein is the founder and president of J Street Technology, a Microsoft Partner located near Seattle. J Street is a team of developers with expertise in building custom Access desktop and ASP.NET web applications. Armen is a Microsoft Certified Professional, an Access MVP since 2006, and has spoken at many user groups and conferences, including Microsoft TechEd, Office DevCon in Australia, Denver Dev Day, the PAUG Conference, and the UK Access User Group in London. Armen is co-author of Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference (Wrox). His other interests include travel, photography, Kauai, backgammon, movies, and driving his 1969 Ford Bronco in the sun.
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