Denver Area Access Users Group

General Meeting Presentation

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Richard Rost, Access MVP, Computer Learning Zone

Custom Data Entry Filter Functions in Access

Richard Rost, Access MVP, Computer Learning Zone

Have you ever wanted to allow the pasting in of data from another source into Access, while preserving input formats? In this presentation, Access MVP Richard Rost is going to show how to write very useful functions to filter out unwanted characters from a text field (or string) in Microsoft Access.

For example, you can force users to enter only digits into a phone number field by setting up an Input Mask. However, what if you want to copy and paste from emails and such. That doesn't work with an Input Mask. How can we allow the user to paste a phone number into the field and then just remove anything but the digits?

Richard Rost is an Access MVP and the owner of Computer Learning Zone, a technology education firm based in Florida. Richard has been teaching software courses since 1994, and was an Access MVP in 2014 and 2015. He has an extensive online library of Access training videos at his YouTube channel at

Watch the recorded video of Custom Data Entry Filter Functions in Access on our YouTube channel